Saturday 7 October 2017

The purpose of magazine adverts and digipaks

The purpose of magazine adverts and digipaks are to promote the artist and the song or album. The magazine advert is an effective way as by putting it in a magazine it widens who can see the artist. Also by placing it in a specific magazine, it targets the audience you want buying and listening to that song/ album. As it is specific to their interests, for example, if an advert was placed within Cosmopolitan, it is automatically only targeting a young female audience. A magazine advert also states the forms the album or song will be available on, such as Spotify and iTunes. This makes it clear to the target audience, how they can access it. Digipaks are also a form of promotion as they also feature the artist. Digipaks are a type of packaging, that holds the CD of the song or album in a cardboard holder. This is promotion in the sense that it is available to buy for the audience to keep the hard form of the song/ album. Digipaks are normally 4 or 6 panels of images of the artist, aiming at their target audience. They also list the songs on the back, like a plastic CD cover. These are less popular now as a lot of music is streamed online, however, top artists still use them to try and gain more revenue for that song/ album.

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