Friday 15 September 2017

The purpose of a music video

The purpose of a music video is to help the audience a better understanding of the story or narrative that is involved within the song. It helps them understand the lyrics and how it is all put together. Another purpose of a music video is to sell the song, and involve something, like the narrative, in which you remember the song. It will generate more interest for that specific song around the time of release. It also means they can release the video on multimedia platforms, to help with promotion.

Promotion plays a big part when releasing a music video, as it plays many different roles. Such as, the music video promotes the song and the song promotes the album. It also promotes the artist, as they want to sell as many singles or videos as possible, as this generates more money.

Musicians use music videos to promote their song, it’s a way of keeping its life cycle going. As the song will be released first and however long after the music video will be release, meaning people will then watch the video if they enjoyed the song. Leading to the song having more success and furthering their market. Due to musicians being creative, they may want to use music videos to experiment with new mediums and put their song out in a different way. It can generate a larger income of the song for the artist and record label, which means they can lead to market domination within the music industry. For example, Where are U now – Justin Bieber, song was released on February 17th 2015 and was a hit in the charts. However, the video was released on Vevo on June 29th 2015, this being 3 months after the song was released. Meaning that the song was then re-put out to the target audience to longer its market.

By researching into music videos, it allowed me to find out about how the artist gets the video out to their audience. As it depends on the genre and demographics of the audience, as to what the most effective way is. 

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