Tuesday 12 September 2017

Real Media Texts – Music Video

This will help me when creating a music video as I have different genres I can look at. It gives me a good idea of what will capture the audience and the professional elements that I can include. Such as, a good number of shots and what fits well with narrative.

Genre of music and audience
The narrative
Number of shots used in first minute
Re-occurring shot types used
Transitions used
Representations seen?
Theories used
Music video 1:
Crying in the club- Camila Cabello
Genre of music is pop music.
The target audience would be a younger female audience. Ages ranging between 16-24
The lyrics reflect an idea of heartbreak and pain. This is because the word tears are said many times, emphasising emotion. The first line also says ‘you think, that you’ll die without him’, giving the idea of a recent break up.
The video first starts off in an abandoned warehouse. This could connote that fact of feeling alone Another setting used is the artist in the bath. A location is also shown to be in a club, which is evident within the song title.
Within the first minute of the video, there are shown to be 10 different shots. Which are mostly close ups.
There are mainly close ups on the female artist, showing her many emotions throughout.
The transitions are almost shown to be jump cuts as they don’t flow smoothly from one to another.
The stereotypical representation of gender can be shown in this video as the female artist is shown to be crying and showing emotion.
The male gaze theory can be shown in this video, as there are many close ups on the female. Showing that she is to be looked at.
Music video 2: Smells like teen spirit- Nirvana
The genre of this music would be rock. The target audience would be young adult males. Aging between 21- 30
The video gives the idea that the song is about a teen and youth life. This is evident in the video as where it is set and what extras are in the video. (young ‘students’ and cheerleaders)
The setting looks like a small auditorium, as if it is in a school. This is shown because there are people sitting around watching the band. That is used throughout the whole of the video.
In the first minute of this music video, there are 22 different shots. Showing a range of different people.
There are a lot of close ups and long shots to feature the artist but show the setting throughout the video.
Throughout the transitions of the different shots, they are obvious jump cuts.
There could be a hint of representations of gender as there are close ups of females cheerleading. Also age could be used in the video, as its title is ‘teen’ and is set in a young environment.
The male gaze theory could be incorporated within this as the cheerleaders are standing in front of the artists, meaning they should be looked at and focused on.
Music video 3- Pompeii- Bastille
The genre of the song is indie. The target audience being 17-30 and a mix between both males and females.
The lyrics give the idea that song is about some form of destruction and pain. This is evident when in the video there are characters with black eyes, to show the pain and death.
There is no one set location that this video is filmed at, it is in a variety of places. These places are all abandoned and don’t have anybody about. These include, arcades, streets and warehouses, etc.
Within the first minute of the video, there are 17 shots. These are mainly establishing shots of the locations this video is set in. There is only 1 close up on the artist.
Throughout the video there are a lot of establishing shots. This shows the viewer an insight of where this may be set. There are also some close ups and long shots of extra characters in the video which back up the narrative.
The typical jump cuts are used throughout this video. These transition each frame.
There are no clear representations shown throughout this video, as there is only one main character throughout. The extra characters only stay in the frame for a small amount of time and don’t show any emotions. Therefore meaning it is hard to distinguish anything shown in the video.
Due to no representations being used, it is hard to decide whether there are any theories used. Also due to no main other characters are used in the video, it means they don’t play any extra roles. The only theory may be Goodwin’s theory as there is a slight relationship between music and visuals.

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