Friday 15 September 2017

Other students music video

Music video-  G324 Amanda Rogers- This Beauty

The costumes used are neutral colours, the main dress being white and the second being nude. These colours reflect the title well as they are ‘beauty’ and natural colours, also linking to the scenery. It is set in mainly a forest or outside, so therefore connoting the idea of purity and being natural. This therefore works well and follows the conventions of a music video as Goodwin states ‘there is a relationship between music and visuals’.

Other than the soundtrack, there are not many extra diegetic sounds included within the video. However, at the very start, there is a clip of the female walking through the leaves, giving off the diegetic sound of the crunching. This helps set the scene for the audience and gives an idea of what may be included throughout. Lip syncing is used throughout this video, they make sure that the lyrics match the movement of the performer. Making it look well edited, and professional.

Camera Angles:
Throughout the video, there are different types of shots used. This video follows the conventions of a music video as they show a lot of close ups and other varieties to help visualise the video. As the artist in this video is female, it is correctly represented as it interprets both Goodwin’s and the male gaze theory. The close ups also connote the song title as the female stereotypically is shown to be ‘beautiful’ and this is clear to the audience. The establishing shots throughout, set the scene and allow the audience to focus on where the video is trying to tell the story. This video is mainly hand held, which could connote the idea that it is in the perspective of the male lover.


Narrative/ performance:
There is not much performance shown throughout this video, other than the artist lip syncing in certain frames of the video. This can be both conventional and non-conventional, as some videos are performance based and some aren’t. The narrative is quite clear, but it is quite hard to understand compared to the lyrics. The lyrics reflect the idea of a female being in love with a male, however, this isn’t shown very clearly in the video. However, it links to the camera idea of it being in his perspective, but this may be hard to distinguish primarily.


This video follows conventions of a music video as they use mainly jump cut transitions from each frame. These work well as it is a simple way to change frame, and not overwhelm the audience. It also follows conventions well as there are many different shots, and editing in a fast pace, meaning the viewer will not get bored of watching the same thing. 

Overall, this video is quite effective, as it shows good generic conventions and elements that would be shown in a professional video. These would be things such as, the narrative and performance is clear to the audience. From this video, it has given me ideas on how I can make a realistic video. 

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